Friday, January 09, 2009

#10 for 2008- The Last Shadow Puppets

I have often lamented the lack of great film themes in the last 20 years. When's the last time you remembered a "theme" from a movie. There's no Close Encounters or Bridge On the River Kwai or even Midnight Express level theme music in movies anymore. The Last Shadow Puppets make movie music, sans the movies.

What makes the Last Shadow Puppets great is the fact that I could never have expected this from Alex Turner. As much as I love Arctic Monkeys, the only person I actually thought might be able to save the movie theme was Jack White (and he kinda failed in his 007 attempt). Instead, young Mr. Turner took a turn from his bratty rapscallion AM persona and created grandiose spacious themes instead of bombast. And he pulled it off. The Age of the Understatement is aloof, adult and smart with a sense of romance and wistfulness.

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