More videos
I have a couple of new items brewing, but I ]haven't finalized them. A little polishing and they'll be up soon. Promise.
In the interim, why don't you check out some videos. I have added a few videos to the AEC channel favorites that are all very different, but also have one unifying strain. That unity lies in the fact that, if you are going to make a video, make it visually compelling. Force me to watch. The Black Belles is a Jack White produced girl group, Private is perfect European pop, and Delphic is Manchester art rock, but they all have delivered something interesting, and utterly watchable. Contrary to popular belief, Lady Gaga isn't the only one making cool videos.
Check them out: The All England Club YouTube Channel
In the interim, why don't you check out some videos. I have added a few videos to the AEC channel favorites that are all very different, but also have one unifying strain. That unity lies in the fact that, if you are going to make a video, make it visually compelling. Force me to watch. The Black Belles is a Jack White produced girl group, Private is perfect European pop, and Delphic is Manchester art rock, but they all have delivered something interesting, and utterly watchable. Contrary to popular belief, Lady Gaga isn't the only one making cool videos.
Check them out: The All England Club YouTube Channel
Labels: AEC youtube channel, black belles, delphic, lady gaga, private