Audio Bullys

I get very fed up with dance music very often. Deep in my heart I love it so, but in the real world, the music most people love/play/champion is simply not up to snuff. I think that compared to most genres, creating good dance/electronic music requires the most background and perspective of what has come before and what is really worthwhile. Of course it's all relative, but it's my blog so there.
I can't say I have had much enjoyment of many of the most recent trends (mash-up Brazilian baile funk, Baltimore house aka clown music, neo-"Daft Punk Live" rehash, etc.), so I have recently been losing faith again. But as with everything, as long as keep an open mind, something comes to save the day. In this case, it was the latest Audio Bullys. While this track could be rehash of 90s big beat, breaks, UK hip hop, etc., what I think really stands out about the track is the pacing and restraint. ABs seem to understand the perfect length of time between a chorus, a break and a drop. Instead of going for the jugular the entire time, the tracks builds and sways and still stays the course long enough to keep you interested. The tropes are there (the high pitch crescendo, the drop, the cut up breaks), but these guys know enough to put them in the right places and when to be coy. They get it.
Thank you Audio Bullys for making me want to dance again.
Audio Bullys- Only Man (Reset! Remix) at RCRDLBL
Labels: Audio bullys, baile funk, baltimore house, daft punk