The Okmoniks

Now that one of One2ten's favorite bands has gone the way of the dodo, we have to find a new punk rock girl singer good times party machine. Ask and ye shall receive... The Okmoniks.
While BYOP was chanelling the punk rock ethos of everything from the Circle Jerks to Sonic Youth, The Okmoniks are mining more pop treasure troves. But don't let that make you think these kids are bound for Avril territory. By pop, I am talking more Tuscadero and the Hi-Fives and the Donnas (when they were good). They wail on the Hammond organ in a Jonathan Fire*eater way but turn it to "super fast" from the get-go. It's music that begs you to clap along and shake and shimmy. It evokes girls I call "hairdos," wearing great shoes, vintage dresses and carrying a box of vintage rock and roll 45s. And to me they, just like the Okmoniks, define a good time. Throw this on, on Friday at 5pm and let the party begin. The Okmoniks Party Fever!!! gets a 10. Yep, a 10.
The Okmoniks- Teenage Timebomb
The Okmoniks- It's Not You
And go here for some more Okmoniks downloads: RCRDLBL.
Thanks Carbomb.
Labels: be your own pet, circle jerks, hammond organ, hi-fives, jonathan fire*eater, the donnas, the okmoniks, tuscadero